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All membership categories include membership to the IFHE and the UK section and access to the Members Area of both the international and UK websites for one named member (i.e. the member named on the application form).

The UK website includes a Members Directory to enable networking and Discussion Forums where job listings can be found and topical issues discussed.

Individual Membership

Individual Members are people who are participating in practice, education or research of Home Economics or are interested in these topics.

Join now Membership Fee: €70.00 or €230.00 for 4 years if paid in one payment

Organisational Membership

Organisational Members are professional associations, universities, schools and other organisations involved in Home Economics

Join now Membership Fee: €290.00

Associate Membership

Associate Members are commercial businesses and industries concerned with Home Economics topics.

Join now Membership Fee: €290.00

Student Membership

Student Members are people who are studying Home Economics or a related discipline and therefore benefit from a reduced rate.

Join now Membership Fee: €30.00

Promoting your Freelance Business or Organisation

Once your membership is confirmed, you will be invited to place an entry in our online freelance directory for an additional fee.

The additional fee per annum payable to the UK Section is:

  • £5 for Individual Members
  • £50 for Organisational Members
  • £50 for Associate Members

If you are actively looking for freelance work, we strongly recommend this option.

If you have any queries that are not answered by this website, click here to email our Membership Secretary